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Newly Revamped Gemini Ring Saw Product Pages

Gemini Ring Saw Blades

Wire Blades, Mega Blades, Sintered Blades, and Glass Blades are a few of the ring saw blades available for the Gemini Apollo, Revolution, and Taurus Ring Saws.

With all of the different blades, it can be confusing to figure out not only which blades can be used with each saw but also what the proper blade is for the job at hand. Using the appropriate blade is crucial for the getting the best cut possible.

To help clear some of the confusion, we have revamped the Gemini Apollo, Revolution, and Taurus Ring Saw product pages to include the different blades available for each saw.

We’ve also included detailed descriptions to help you find the correct blade for the job.

Check it out at: StoneTooling.com: Gemini Ring Saws

Gemini Demonstrates Their Apollo Ring Saw

Melvin from Gemini stopped by to demonstrate the versatility of the Apollo Ring Saw. It cuts glass and tile easily in straight or curved lines.

The Apollo starts at $599.00.