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We Personally Test The ProCaliber Granite & Marble Acrylic Repair Kit

A couple of weeks ago we mentioned one of our new products that will get scratches out of your granite or marble in just a few minutes. We decided to test this UV repair kit ourselves so we know exactly what our customers are dealing with and to be able to provide better customer support.

Here is the video we came up with.

You can purchase this product HERE.

How To Repair Chips In Marble And Granite

One of the things that could be most devastating to a homeowner is an irreparable scratch, dent or chip. After spending a couple of month’s pay on renovating that kitchen or bathroom counter, shower or floor, you notice a chip in your marble, granite or other natural stone.

Fortunately, it’s not the end of the world. In just 15 minutes and 7 steps, you can repair chips, nicks, pits and deep scratches and you don’t need to hire a professional.

Thanks to a new, and affordable, product by ProCaliber products, a simple kit will make your stone look like new.

You can purchase this product HERE.